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Falls from ladders

Have you suffered a fall at work possibly from a ladder or a platform?

We have won thousands of cases over the years and helped people win financial compensation to cover injuries , loss of earnings and financial losses where  they have been injured at work like this .


Often when a person is injured in this way not only do they have to deal with the inconvenience , the pain and suffering but sometimes the accident can cause them to suffer a drop in income. Maybe they have lost their job as a result or they are not being paid in full . Maybe they are just on sick pay and are facing financial problems.


If the accident was the employer’s fault then this isn’t fair and why should you suffer in silence. Often the accident was not your fault . Your employer will be insured and we will be able to represent you .


We will write to your employer and make your claim. We will try to help you . If liability is admitted we will try to secure an interim payment from your employer  to help tide you over when you might be suffering financial problems.

We will arrange for you to have a medical examination and do our best to get you the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.


In appropriate cases we will be happy to act for you on a no win no fee basis . This means that usually , even if we take on your case but for some reason you do not win you will not be charged. Please see our no win no fee page for more information .

Therefore, if you have suffered such an accident please contact us . There is no charge for a chat and review of your claim and we may be able to work for you on a No Win No Fee basis .

So, you have nothing to lose and you will always get a sympathetic ear.



The longer read if you have 10 minutes to kill !


When you are in work your employer owes you a common law duty of care. This means your employer has a legal duty to take reasonable care of your health and safety at work.

It is still true that employers can ask you to carry out jobs at work involving a ladder. Often this can be the most simple and cost efficient way of doing a job but the law is designed to ensure if this happens your employer has legal obligations to you to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicably possible, your health and safety at work. Ladders can include step ladders and ladders which lean against a wall.

Under the Working at Height regulations 2005 your employer must firstly not ask you to work at height if the work can reasonably practicably be carried out safely not at height. Your employer must risk assess the job they expect you to do. The risk assessment must be a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk you might be exposed to.

Your employer must provide you with sufficient work equipment for preventing, so far as is reasonably practicable, a fall. Your employer should also provide such additional training and instructions and take suitable measures to prevent you falling a distance where it is likely you could be injured. They must provide you with suitable work equipment and pay particular attention to the workplace where you will be using the ladder to ensure it is safe.


They should ask themselves, is the ground safe, is it slippery or sloping? Is the ladder without fault or is it defective. Is it greasy ? Are there fragile places nearby e.g. windows or very thin flooring which would increase the risk to health and safety? Can the ladder be properly attached to the work place safely? They should ensure the ladders  are inspected and regularly maintained.

Your employer must ensure any person using the ladder is competent to do so and provide  training. There are simple easy to use guidelines which a reasonable employer should ensure employees know about and receive training .


  • Employers must provide good instructions in the safe use of ladders.

  • The employee must be shown how to check the equipment for health and safety reasons.

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0161 443 4141

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